Contact Me
01803 916 490
07480 120 801

‘We can reach where we want to be by ourself.
And we can achieve what we set ourselves to do by ourself.
But we achieve faster & easier with the support of others’


I am a Transformative Life Coach

As your Transformative Life Coach my role is to support you with choosing and creating positive lasting changes to your thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, communication, relationships and overall well-being.

My one focus as your coach is to get the very best out of your life & out of yourself.


What do the words ‘Transformative Life Coach’ mean?

The word transformative refers to how the coaching process creates transformation or change.

The word life describes that all topics related to life, being alive and living are included in your coaching conversations. Every aspect of your well-being is cared for.

You could therefore describe me by using other coach titles such as Personal Development Coach, Sex & Intimacy Coach, Career Coach, Positivity Coach, Business Growth Coach or Health & Wealth Coach.

I am all of these and more.

The word Coach might imply that I work like a Sports Coach, Mentor or Tutor.

However, I do not, because I don’t give advice, teach or model.

I do not tell you what to do, nor how to live your life.
I do not give answers, nor offer solutions.
I do not judge, nor give personal opinions.

But I do guide you to the tools and insights you need to explore, understand and improve your current situation.


Your pace, not mine

I do not set an agenda, nor the pace of your coaching conversations – you do.

Whilst you work at your pace, we together will spark your motivation to choose, decide and shape what you desire in life.

At your pace real, positive and meaningful changes become part of your way of living, working and being.


Conversations with me

We talk every day, so one could think that coaching conversations with me will be like having a chat and therefore be a passive and easy experience.

I need you to know that a coaching conversation with me is not a passive activity, nor is it always easy.

Coaching with me, actively involves the whole of you.

My coaching process is simple in structure, but the experiencing of it can be emotionally and reflectively demanding.

You will have uninterrupted time to be with yourself – to consciously think, ask, reflect, choose, decide and act whilst my astute questioning guides you to successful outcomes.

You will celebrate your achievements, every single one – and you can repeat this motivating process as many times as you wish.


Coaching’s Magic

Sometimes people look surprised when I describe what I do, because when I mention that my clients expect their coaching not only to be challenging, emotional, transformative and successful, but also beautiful, energising, magical, fast and effective – this can cause reactions of disbelief.


There is really one way to fully know what I do & how it works: experience it :))



‘Life – even with its inevitable trauma, pain, grief, misery and death – is a gift.
A gift we sabotage when we imprison ourselves in our fears’
Edith Eger


Let’s coach

Experience magic first-hand.