‘Working with me is working with & for yourself’ – Yvo
What is working with me like?
Maybe you visited the tab ‘Meet CFW Success’ and already have an impression of what working with me can look and feel like.
In case you have not, here is a brief summary of what my clients say:
- I am easy to talk to, genuine, calm, warm, enthusiastic, encouraging & perceptive
- I communicate with impact, perspective & clarity
- my belief in their potential for growth & success, makes them believe & achieve
- feeling happy, sure, proud & positive whilst working with me
- feeling welcome whether introvert or extrovert, confident or shy, experienced with support services or inexperienced.
Working with me means enjoying and benefitting from uplifting & productive teamwork.
That working with me is successful, is confirmed by the number of clients who have made CFW a part of their continued wealth & growth maintenance routine.
Conversations, not sessions
I purposefully call my coaching meets ‘conversations’ and not ‘sessions’, because I want to highlight that my clients and I share the stage.
In my coaching there are no levels of hierarchy, power or expertise.
My clients and I together shape our highly effective cooperation.
This unique togetherness forms the solid foundation of CFW success:
two professionals fully focused on achieving the client’s desired outcomes.
CFW’s innovative, focused, intensive & connecting way of speaking, listening, questioning, reflecting and choosing is nothing like a usual chat.
Simple, yet not easy
Transformative Life Coaching with me is not a passive activity, nor is it always easy.
Each conversation is conscious & active thinking time for you.
Which acts as a catalyst to innovation, progress and success.
I give you uninterrupted time to think, focus, ask, reflect, choose, decide and act.
And skilled, astute questioning that supports you to successful outcomes.
I only introduce perspectives when this could be beneficial, but never without prior consent.
You will celebrate the achievements your invested energy and focus produce.
And you can experience this uplifting process again and again.
However, you need to be prepared for the possibility that a goal, emotion or viewpoint can change during your coaching.
Also expect to feel emotions, face hurdles and clear obstacles.
To coach together with me, is to experience a very different, exciting and creative way of thinking, seeing, communicating and doing.
To coach with me, is learning to feel calm within, whilst the world outside might seem volatile, manic and hyped-up.
Expect to be successful with me.
Not just one topic
Some coaches specialise as Executive Coaches, Career Coaches or Wellbeing Coaches and focus on one key area in your life.
With CFW life coaching, you can explore and improve all the areas of your life – from work, career, wealth, sex, relationships, intimacy, health, social, spiritual, communication to mindset.
Working together leads to
- less stress, anger and anxiety as increased understanding leads to clarity, effective solutions and strategies.
- more sleep and better quality of sleep.
- managing burn-out, depression, anxiety, emotional hurt, self harm, suicidal thoughts & attempts.
- increased organisation, productivity and efficiency at home, work & in business.
- improved time management and planning habits.
- a healthy work-life balance with more time for fun and leisure.
- health, diet, fitness and wellness success, e.g. stop smoking & drinking.
- feeling recharged, motivated, happy and energised.
- reducing eco & climate anxiety and stress related to social and natural events.
- feeling prepared for exams, tests, interviews, promotions.
- transformed mindsets related to life & living, death & dying, upbringing & parenting, family histories & carried and passed-on traumas.
- deeper personal, social & professional connections and relationships.
- crystal clear and effective communication.
- increased whole-person confidence, self esteem, self worth & self belief.
- developing inner wisdom, personal voice and intuition.
- positive ways of thinking, feeling, loving, living and working.
- shaping fresh perspectives to cope with worries about unpredictable future situations related to e.g. financial insecurity, global tension and changing politics.
Magic in action
Sometimes people raise an eyebrow when I describe what I do as magic.
Because, although my clients expect their coaching to be challenging, emotional, transformative and successful, they often do not anticipate it to also be beautiful, energising, magical and effective.
Especially the magical element takes them by surprise, yet they clearly feel their successful outcomes in positive energy releases.
When mind, body and voice connect into a joint ‘Wow!’ we call these Magic Moments, because there seems to be no better way to describe these electrifying intuitively inspired insights.
Believe in magic
Magic Moments signal a boundary shifting or life enhancing insight, such as:
- recognising a limiting or destructive habit or thought pattern
- facing an obstructive or outdated belief, mindset, self script or perspective
- acknowledging the power and impact of your thoughts and intuition
- being yourself; to think, speak, wish, choose & create freely
Change and impact
When you work with me, you accept that in life we all experience
- highs and lows
- happiness and depression
- joy and sadness
- losses and gains
- successes and mistakes
You also understand that you can impact your circumstances.
So, let’s create some impact :))
A client looking back on her CFW journey
With pride and joy I share my client Lara’s recording she made for you.
Every time I think of her extraordinary growth, I can’t help but smile.
She changed her life.
Trusting her ability to impact each day, transformed her enjoyment of living.
Scared at first, then fiercely brave at the completion of her coaching journey.
Meet Lara.
Meet ‘my’ lion tamer :))
‘As soon as we find perspective, we find clarity and calm.
Choices and solutions follow’ – Yvo