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‘Joy does not simply happen to us.
We have to choose joy
and keep choosing it every day’ – Henri J.M. Nouwen




You, my clients and I – we are all unique human beings who are doing their best.

Some moments we feel up, able, having it all sorted out.

Other moments we feel down, unable, a mess.

Coaching is often linked to our down moments, because this is when we wish for more joy, hope, confidence, belief and success to be present.

When you sincerely want something, you have to choose and decide to create it in order to add it to your life.

This sounds simple, but it is not always easy.


Joy is one choice & one decision away

When I dreamt of making life coaching a full-time career, I felt very scared, nervous and out of my comfort zone.

Never before had I been self employed. And now, I needed to learn many new skills and tools in order to manage my business.

After many slow steps and lots of support from friends, family and more experienced professionals – did I succeed.

CFW was created 1 choice + 1 decision at a time.

And although I am still learning and growing, every day I feel the pride and joy of my growth.

With CFW, what you want is also 1 choice + 1 decision away from being in your life.


Imagine your joy

Take a moment to imagine shaping a better reality and a better today.

Take a moment to see your lessons and growth impacting and inspiring others.

This is beauty.

This is joy.

I believe you can imagine it.

I believe you can feel it.

Join me.


‘You will succeed if you persevere
and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles’  – Helen Keller


Celebrating a client’s moment of pure joy

With the clip below, I want to show an example of the joy that follows from CFW’s unique journies.

You hear me talk just after an exceptional moment: my client had shared that she felt her year’s coaching progress had reached completion.

My client started from a place where she felt stuck in a deep black hole.
She felt no confidence, missed her own voice, struggled at work and in social situations. And her self criticism stopped her from enjoying her life.

However, during our conversation her pride and joy was bubbling over!
She was jubilant about how she had developed and changed her way of living her daily days:

She also shared how she had noticed that her personal changing had inspired her family to also be more braver, honest and outspoken.

And then a truly magic moment she described to me … the moment she stopped a stranger from committing suicide.
Without hesitation she had spoken to the man using her gained confidence and learnings and when he eventually stepped off the track, she fully realised how far she had come!

She knew she was ready to keep on growing without my fortnightly support.

In the clip you see a little of my celebrating words after our last coaching conversation.

It is my favourite moment of my coaching: when a client tells me they are doing so well, they no longer need me.
I then feel like Nanny McPhee :))


‘There is something you should understand about the way I work.
When you need me, but do not want me, then I will stay.
If you want me, but no longer need me then I have to go.’
Nanny McPhee




Let’s coach

Connect to enjoy.