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‘Like you, CFW is unique’ – Yvo


Common factor

All coaching services share similarities with support services such as hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and counselling, because each involves a type of consultation to help you, the client.


So, what makes CWF Transformative Life Coaching unique?

Some clients’ words illustrating this question:


I feel different – calmer. And I worry less and am sleeping better”

“How come this has never come up with my therapist?”

“I actually have changed how I think and react. It’s helping me more than my antidepressants”.

“My friends tell me I smile more. I really do feel so much happier:))”

I do not need you any more. I now know what to do and feel so proud and strong. I know my strategies work and I will keep using them”.

“I can’t believe how I have changed. I say what I feel”.

I feel ready.”

“I never thought this could feel positively tiring. I really am using my whole body – it feels gooood!”

“How I made this much progress in so little time?!

“When we first spoke, I felt scared. But nowI am buzzing! Can’t wait for our next meet.”

“I didn’t think it would be so much fun and creative:))


My clients know CFW has a unique style and energy.


Unique teamwork

The unique energy exchange, interaction and cooperation between you, my client and I, your coach – makes CFW unique in style, atmosphere and mood.

This same unique cooperation makes CFW also uniquely successful in achieving your unique and personal results and solutions.


Your unique choice

You have many choices of paid therapy, free therapy and of so many different services.

You can choose one, mix & match or none.

What matters is that you find what suits you best.


Key differences between CFW and other support services

Counsellors and therapists regard clients as patients and believe something needs fixing.

Often this happens:


CFW works from an opposite principle



Let’s coach

Let’s be unique together :))