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‘You experience the difference between
‘living a life’ and ‘feeling alive’

when you are living as you.
– Yvo

Live As You

Do you feel you are you?
Do you feel free to be as you are?
Do you feel free to be, act, speak, work, live, love as you?

If you feel disconnected from your YOU within, I invite you to take time together with me to find yourself & to feel reignited.

And I purposefully write ‘take’ time and not ‘make’ time, because we both know you have the time if you choose to have it.

You can enjoy feeling the whole of present within you.

A you from before you conformed, adapted, pleased others.

A you from before you felt overwhelmed, scared and anxious from life’s demands, fears and uncertainties.

Intuitively you know that ONLY when you allow yourself to BE yourself, can you live a life that


When you ARE you, you can live AS you

Only when you live as you, will you live from your within.

And once you live from your within, you will live a life more personal, proud, honest, satisfying and happy.

Living from within, means to live inspired by yourself and your life.

You question this is possible?

Then realise that you really CAN stop

Feeling like you are not shaping your life is not only unnecessary, but also unhealthy.

I believe you will choose to fully engage with your life when you feel tired of


Start shaping empowering, uplifting & creative habits, attitudes and mindsets with me.
Together we will create what you are looking for and are wanting.

Working together means you can look forward to feeling hopeful, trusting and excited.

You will also look forward to being responsible and accountable for your choices, decisions and actions.

Because you will have chosen what to do and how to do it; not your boss, not your partner, not a family member, not I, not even a complete stranger.

You will do what you want & need to do, using your own voice.


Let’s coach

Fully live as you.