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‘Transparency, honesty, kindness, good stewardship and humour
work in businesses at all times’ – John Gerzema


Let’s talk about money

Since my training through to today, fellow professionals challenge why I do not increase my fees:

[* I find the phrasing ‘ideal client’ disrespectful, because every individual is my ideal client – regardless of who they are, where they are from, what they do, how much they earn.
What is essential is that each individual and couple who work with me, experience me as their ideal coach].


A key reason for these above statements is this question:

What price tag does one put on transforming people’s lives?

I agree:

What do I charge for helping people overcome emotional, financial, physical, professional, intellectual, spiritual challenges, fears and worries?

What fee reflects my success in enriching people’s lives – professionally, socially and personally?

What fee shows the value of not only improving my client’s life, but also the lives of the people my client is in contact with?


The question I invite you to think about is:

What would you charge if you were a qualified life coach?


Here is my conclusion:

Yes, I could increase my fees, but I choose not to.

Because my current fees, honour my original intentions and promises I made myself when I invested in my Transformative Life Coaching.


The context of my conclusion

When I needed professional support to help myself through challenges such as long-term anxiety, depression, being bullied & discriminated at 2 work places, separation, menopause, severe heartbreak and processing toxic relationships – I felt shocked, anxious and sometimes truly speechless to discover the price tags.

But I paid the extra bills as they were essential:
bills for my divorce mediation, solicitors, new living arrangements, increased expenses as a single working mum, marriage counselling, individual counselling and physical & emotional wellbeing therapies, other support services etc.

So, when I trained to become a life coach, I promised myself that I would help others without charging the maximum going rates.

Now, I am a proud & happy life coach who supports everyone for an affordable price.


I am a LIFE Coach

I identify with each type of coaching and each title or name of coach, but I chose Transformative Life Coaching specifically, because:


It is up to you

I love my work.
I feel proud to support each of my clients.
I feel grateful to be able to guarantee success, joy, improvement and growth.

My work-joy sparkles each time when old & new clients book again and when clients tell me they feel so gooood that they no longer need me :))

My most humbling moments happen when my clients overachieve on their targets and offer to pay more.

You want to create what you want to have?

It is your choice.


I sell no product

It is not always easy for potential clients to commit to my service, because I do not sell a tangible product.

I do not sell one-size-fits-all instructions, or an easy-fix nor a ready-to-use solution.

Being my client, means that you design your own product.

And you build your product by putting in personal desire, time, focus and energy.

So, when I speak to potential clients, I do not persuade to ‘buy’ or ‘sign on the line’.

Because, I believe that persuading is counterproductive.

My only way of ‘selling’ is by giving powerful life enriching coaching experiences.

I cannot create your unique outcomes for improving your life. Only you can.

Only you can decide to increase your development, growth, health and wealth.

Only you can make your success, wishes and dreams happen.


Committing made easy

I believe you will easily commit to yourself when we speak, because you will not only hear, but also feel that your success is possible.

And it is.

But before you connect with me, ask yourself if you feel comfortable that our coaching will change your live & your way of living.

Because you will gain profits on this most unique investment which will add value right into your future.



Worrying about money? Connect and we will  find a solution together.


Let’s coach

You are a safe investment :))