‘We experience true success when
our voices, visions, feelings, choices and decisions
feel in balance.’ – Yvo

Meet CFW Success
With pride I introduce some of my Courageous From Within clients.
I believe their reflections will inspire and encourage you, because you too can choose to give the whole of you & your precious life more
- space
- time
- attention
- purpose
- love
- clarity
- growth
- satisfaction
- joy
- and freedom
Enjoy living Consciously From Within,
‘Communication – the human connection,
is the key to personal and career success’
Paul J Meyer
Meet a few of my inspirational clients
Yvo is a very perspective and observant lady.
She is an excellent listener and gives me the time to talk. She asks questions which take me further into understanding myself. They also brought me to find solutions.
I discovered that since my husband passed away, I miss confidence and am feeling much more fearful. My coaching helped me to realise I want to be more honest in communication and especially with sharing my thoughts.
This was a big discovery and momentous moment for me.
When I contacted you, I could not pay for your help. But you talked with me anyway.
I really appreciate knowing that you are there for me and I hope you know that you have helped many others just as you have helped me, by being present in the background of my life and especially before, during and after my GCSE exams.
It is very easy to talk to Yvo, to feel relaxed and not feel any uncomfortable moments whilst sharing personal troubles.
During my first meeting, I felt nervous and started with hesitation not knowing what I was going to talk about, but within 5 minutes I felt I had been talking to a friend, which made it so much easier.
Yvo does not judge or imply things, she is so polite and friendly, understanding and calm. It really makes me feel safe.
Her questions helped me to create successful strategies to remove anxiety and stress-triggers at work, at home and when out.
Now I am able to self manage my moments of anger, depression, self-harm, anxiety and feeling suicidal.
I trust my strategies and I use them every day. And each time we meet I create more and feel stronger.
I have never felt so relaxed, positive and honest. Even fiercely confident! I am not hiding any more.
I feel so proud of myself:))
I talk to my friends and family about how amazing I feel, how different I think now and how much better I can say what I feel and need to say. Non stop celebrations:)))
I could not have done this without Yvo’s support.
And Yvo, thank you for letting me be a part of your amazing website. It will be so helpful to others who feel the same.
It has been amazing all that has happened in 11 months and I believe that this is only because of the person you are.
Coaching with you is the best thing I’ve done for myself!
I am so pleased to have found you, you have saved me from a very deep dark hole.
You have helped me become me.
After being signposted to Yvo by a fellow colleague who had highly recommended her as a Life-Coach, I decided to try a session to see if it worked for me.
I’ve always been dubious of therapy having had (expensive!) experiences previously, which I felt hadn’t benefitted me.
However after just a few sessions, I can say that Yvo has a gift. She has a natural ability in helping me forward. She clearly is doing this too for many others.
She is professional. I never feel judged, but always respected. Yvo is empathetically tuned in with my needs and feelings.
I have a very successful but stressful career and have been through a divorce and recent bereavement. But now I know and feel that there is hope on the horizon.
Yvo is a great, friendly and dedicated person. I shall be recommending her as a Life-Coach to anyone who ever tells me they are struggling.
Yvo is amazing! She is an incredible coach :))
She is a very skilled listener, attentive, empathic, not opinionated and understanding.
She knows very well when to ask questions and which questions to ask to arrive at the root of the issue.
Our coaching thinking times can be hard, but always positive.
Yvo has lots of tools that help with the process.
She will also help you to investigate the changes you want to make in your life, career and work. And she helps you to set yourself achievable goals.
Her practice is gentle and soft, but with clear and instant guidance.
I always leave the coaching sessions smiling, because I feel proud about the steps and the new awarenesses I gain.
We talked about a lot of things like my youth, money worries, loneliness and anxiety. Since my coaching, my confidence has soared. I even moved from a small village to a city!
I feel more optimistic about my future. You can too :))
I want to thank you again for the profound session, Yvo.
I did feel a little uncomfortable and embarrassed with the space and focus on me as I am not used to this, but your well-remembered and astute reflections of what arose for me were very supportive and empowering.
I almost felt I was seeing and accessing another part of my being, allowing for a profound experience.
I also really appreciated your picking up on the importance of honour for me. You shared your visceral sense of the image of a sword within me. That was powerfully important; it had past connections for me.
I felt not only seen by you, but also by myself.
Thank you for the fabulous sessions, holding and reflection.
I also greatly appreciate the time afterwards sitting outside to linger in, before ‘coming back’.
Yvo is a wonderful coach; it is obvious to me that this is her true calling in life. She is an naturally empathetic person and this shows through her unwavering support of those who need it, like I do.
Yvo’s coaching came at the time I needed it the most.
I was awaiting psychotherapy; I had been on a waiting list for over 3.5 years!
I was self harming, used substances, felt suicidal, used highest doses of antidepressants. I often felt overwhelmed with life, my multiple persona, gender identity, complex PTDS and random erratic mood swings. Pretty much exhausted and not coping.
I urgently needed someone to talk too, but my depression and autism felt like huge walls.
And then I met Yvo and each Friday, we would go for a walk, sit in nature, get a coffee. She is the most wonderful listener and motivator.
I’m so grateful that she is a constant in my life and I hope to know this amazing woman for many more years to come.
With her help, I have been able to keep holding on. I am beginning to see and talk about where I want to be pre and post therapy.
Her coaching cannot be faulted. I recommend Yvo to anybody who needs help 🖤🖤.
I honestly don’t know where to start :)) Except if you’re struggling for direction, encouragement and help with general living, then speak to Yvo.
She has lifted my confidence and brought a spark back to my life that was badly missing following recent and continuing life and health battles.
Yvo is a compassionate and empathetic soul who helps to see the light through the darkness.
She has also been amazing at connecting with my husband and three children who have neurodivergent needs; autism, Asperge’s and she has supported them whilst supporting me.
I keep recommending her to anyone I meet who needs help with anything and everything.
I am thanking you for your Life-Coaching, Yvo.
You, your presence and way of working has left a lasting impression on me.
On reflection I realise how our coaching has impacted my life, because I have learnt to be a lot more honest to myself. It is still a work in progress, but this value has made me feel more comfortable with my life, family, clients and my business.
The way you have supported me has also made me more comfortable with moments of feeling vulnerable and I have started to take away making assumptions.
Assumptions were for me an unconscious barrier to being true to myself.
Thank you for your natural ability to empathise and encourage whilst empowering me to make further progress to reaching my potential.
I am so glad we made contact almost 6 years ago now!
Since our first conversation, you have been an incredible support for me. You have helped me cope much better with my physical health challenges and especially with the stresses in my life.
I still can’t stop thanking you for also spending 2 Sundays coaching whilst lightening my huge paperwork backlog in my office. Truly brilliant.
Very much looking forward to getting more ticked off from my to do list. Stopping with work scares me a bit, so I guess retirement might be a next topic :))
Tania and Zack
I can’t thank you enough for taking care of Zach over the months before his exams.
His grades had dropped and he was put down a group in some of his subjects. His confidence was so low and he had no enthusiasm to try to study.
Once he started his sessions with you he started studying again, even at home alone.
His confidence grew very quickly and he went into his exams feeling ready.
We celebrated when Zach passed all his GCSE exams above what had been predicted!
Thank you so much for your encouragement and support for Zach!
It has been such a massive help to him and also to me:))
I am doing pretty well so far and with a lot of Aha moments.
So many beautiful things have happened since our sessions. I am on a beautiful journey, Yvo, as hard as it is.
I have to visit some past emotions and events but it is working. You are an amazing woman, Yvo. Thank you for being there for me.
Everything is not good. My partner is controlling. I feel ashamed and embarrassed.
I can feel scared to meet because he would not understand. He would not allow it.
It is true he is manipulating. He is narcissistic and jealous. He intimidates and makes me feel unsafe.
Thank you, because when we talk I can speak without fear and know I am not crazy.
With more time I will feel more strong. Maybe I need to leave, but first I need to become stronger.
How do I begin? All I know is that when I am sharing time with Yvo, I can be honest and open. She enables me to share my thoughts in a safe place, without any worry of wishing I hadn’t shared.
Thinking of an image, I’d say Yvo’s coaching is like opening a book wide open. In the middle of the book is where your thoughts are and you can read it out loud without even really realising you are. Then you feel the words because your words have had time to be lifted off the book and be looked at in detail. Then they are gently written back onto the page of the book in a more readable way to help me continue reading the rest of the book, which has my thoughts, feelings and actions following.
I have talked about relationships and through the conversations I have understood the need for honesty and sometimes acceptance of when to the friend I can be to others, and when I can’t. Just from being with Yvo, I am now braver and speak out.
She has helped me become comfortable with how I feel within my parental relationships with my 4 children and with their extended relationships. And this has enabled me to understand myself and also me as their mum.
Yvo does not give answers or says how I should do something. She just opens my mind to think, see and ask myself questions and that is how I come to my own answers and decisions.
Yvo is always looking for my best. She is a joy to be with and work with and after our conversations I feel uplifted and free. It’s difficult to explain it other than that is how I feel. And I have been feeling much more confident, more settled, happy and relieved since meeting with Yvo.
She has helped me through sickness that comes with age. I have learned a lot about aging and the menopause and how both affect my body and my mind. I am grateful I can share my learnings with my daughters and my son.
More recently after being with Yvo, I had a ‘light’ turned on in my head from a simple sentence that came up: I am better off asking my friends and family questions, instead of presuming I know the answers.
Anyways, Yvo is a beautiful person and I consider her a beautiful friend as well as my life coach which I often forget when we are talking together. Yvo makes my life better!
As I am writing our powerful conversations into my journal, I feel so much more that I am a sincerely good, worthy and beautiful person.
I have choices. I have options. I can love myself unconditionally.
I can self-doubt and self-critique less. I can trust myself.
I want to consciously keep practicing this.
Carl Jung said “One who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens”.
Thank you for helping me awaken within.
When you go through the trauma and experiences that no one should have to experience when they are young, there tends to be a lot of negative emotions and thoughts flying through your mind.
This sometimes turns into feeling numb and alone which made me want to end it all.
I was very depressed. I was cutting my body and attempting again and again to end my life.
At the end of the day everything got worse. Throughout this time I was going through so much and with no support. I was going to be on a counselling waiting list for several years more. I felt no one was there until Yvo said the words “Are you OK?”.
And she kept asking me. She asked every time she saw me how I was doing. She asked because she knew that asking could help me to the next day. And I thank her for that every single day.
Even though I am still experiencing feelings of loneliness and depression my conversations with Yvo helped me to understand myself, my inner voices, flashbacks and challenges.
My time with Yvo has taught me that I can rely on myself.
I tried to commit suicide and am still on meds. I felt desparate, unloved and hopeless.
But our talking keeps helping me to push myself to the next day and then the next. I am taking life one moment at a time and this really helps.
My music, humour and Yvo’s help have brought me this far today.
She will be great for anyone who needs support.
With Yvo you learn about yourself.
She understands boundaries and she doesn’t push to know things.
Since Yvo has helped me, I have started to think of helping others like she does when I am grown up and independent. I hope you know that if you need any help from me or want to speak to me, I am also always here.
Yvo is a guide. She is a friend and a guide through dark times.
‘Giving yourself dedicated uninterrupted
space, time and practise
to think, speak, do and be
will make you feel at home within yourself & your life.’ – Yvo