Contact Me
01803 916 490
07480 120 801

‘You are worth investing in.
CFW support is a guaranteed profitable investment
in yourself, your present, your future – your life’


How & where we can meet

Every detail regarding how, when & where will be agreed between us.

Wherever we meet, I will show up as I am:

And I will welcome you as you are.


Online/remotely – with an emailed Zoom link, I invite you to a video conversation.
If you prefer to not use video, let me know as a visual is not essential.
Some clients ask for their conversations to be recorded to help remember details.
Be reassured that recordings will only take place when explicitly agreed between us.

Using a landline – for an audio or voice conversation.

Using a mobile – using WhatsApp, you can choose an audio or a video conversation.

In person/face-to-face – if we live within an approximate 45-minute radius from each other, we can meet in person at an indoor or outdoor location.

My mileage for face-to-face conversations is included in my fee.

Only when I agree to drive more than 45 minutes to meet with you, will we discuss a slightly increased fee.


My service is tailored to your needs.

Do let me know how I can help you to feel fully at ease, because this is essential to maximise your outcomes, success and growth from our teamwork.

To feel fully at ease also includes feeling confident with your financial investment in your growth and development.

I know my heart-coaching works for all my clients whether they are students, retirees, single parents or business owners.
So, regardless of your job, income or budget – I invite you to please share financial concerns you may have.

Do not keep silent, because rather than delaying, neglecting or harming your health, growth and self care – I want to help you too to experience and benefit from my support.


How you can contact me

• WhatsApp:    07480 120 801
• Landline:       01803  916 490
• Via Home Page – Contact Me


YOUR time

Each coaching conversation usually lasts between 60 to 90 minutes.

The time I set aside for your coaching conversations is YOUR time and time for YOU.

I am not a professional who looks at the clock counting the minutes.

I do not charge more when clients need more time.

Every coaching conversation, I give each of my clients my same quality


My services –  your choices

Because I support individuals and couples, please read ‘you’ as singular and plural.


  As-You-Go Coaching

This service allows complete freedom.
You book one Transformative Life-Coaching conversation at a time.

Each conversation costs £75.

If you want to remain in contact with me during the week of your booked conversation, you can add additional Continued Coaching Support: £75 + £50 = £125.


Flexi Coaching

This service is for when you prefer knowing that you have committed to your goal and a certain number of conversations to achieve it.

Flexi Coaching includes 6 coaching conversations at £60 per session.
These sessions remain valid for you to use within 12 months from the purchase date.
You simply requests a conversation when you want or need one.

The total cost for this investment is 6 x £60 = £360.

Additional Continued Coaching Support is available.


Growth Coaching

This longer-term service covers 3 months of weekly 1-1 conversations.
This is ideal for when you work better with an extended time period.

For example: you have several goals you want to achieve or you struggle with commitment to see goals through to completion.

Knowing you have dedicated regular time reserved in your diary to achieving your intentions, will not only make you feel instantly closer to succeeding but also reassured.

The total cost for 13 Transformative Life Coaching conversations at £55 each is £715.

You can request Continued Coaching Support at any time during the 3 months.


 Harvest Coaching

The Harvest Coaching service is perfect when you want a full year guaranteed to yourself, your goals and visions.

You will further expand, nurture and consolidate each of your insights and learnings.
Your growth will become deeply integrated in your life, your self, wealth, health, communication and relationships.

Harvest Coaching  is the ultimate commitment to your personal and professional development in your present & future life.

We meet fortnightly and Continued Coaching Support is included.

You will enjoy 26 conversations.

The total cost including Continued Coaching Support is:

(26 x £55 =) £1430 + (26 x 50) £1300 = £2730

When you pay in full, you can deduct 10%: £2730 – £273 = £2457


 Continued Coaching Support

This additional service allows continuous support during the week of a booked coaching conversation.

This service covers Monday to Sunday, between 11 AM to 8 PM.

When you choose this service you agree to understanding that a reply from me to a message from yourself depends on commitments on my calendar, but be assured:
I always get back to you.

Unless agreed differently, this support will be via WhatsApp.

The cost for this support is an additional £50 per week.


 I Referred A Friend

When a client refers a friend to me, I celebrate my clients’ commitment to their coaching progress, by giving a £20 discount on their next coaching conversation.

At the same time, their friend will enjoy a £10 Welcome To CFW discount on their first booked coaching conversation.


We all know someone who would benefit from support, success and growth.  CFW Gift Vouchers make meaningful and unique gifts and are available for each of my services listed above.
You can also request personalised priced vouchers.

Each time I meet with the receivers of my gift vouchers, they tell me how much they appreciated such thoughtful and personal gift. A gift which usually was the needed incentive, motivation and inspiration to act.


Speaking 5 European languages allows me to support people internationally.


‘Conversation is a catalyst for innovation’ — John Seely Brown


Let’s Coach

Profits & gains follow naturally.