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‘Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being.
It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance
and allows you to focus on the good in your life,
which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality’ –
Jen Sincero


My gratefulness

I want to acknowledge that I am, where I am & who I am thanks to many experiences and many people.

With my whole heart, I thank my parents, children, siblings, heart & soul friends for:


And I feel more heartfelt gratitude for all the inspiring, beautiful individuals, families and couples I have had the pleasure to know, meet, talk & work with.


Gratitude for my past

Over the years I have come across bumps of all kinds of shapes and sizes.

We all do.

And although some events were very tough and at times traumatic, I now trust my managing of challenges and my love for living will stay with me.

My passionate appreciation of others was passed on to me by my loving parents, Arie and Helga, who built their joint life from scratch whilst sharing generously, respecting nature and appreciating life.

My love for connecting with people has been the foundation of my career in education which covered 26 years of devoted teaching and supporting students right across Nursery, Early Years, Primary and Secondary through to Six Form.

Working within education has given me huge experience and knowledge from Special Educational Needs, to a great understanding of all kinds of communities, ways of living, struggles, celebrations, needs, events and behaviours.

I have also worked as a cleaner, caterer and carer.

I personally & professionally interact every day with individuals, couples and families of all ages and from all kinds of backgrounds, cultures and socio-economic situations.

My countless valuable encounters, connections and experiences combine to knowing a wide variety of life situations, events, commitments, challenges, experiences, professions, businesses, and careers.


Gratitude for my present

I look at what I experience with a focus on perspective, awareness and gratefulness.

This way of living gives me more peace and calm.

Some life experiences that are part of my present are:


Challenges, like changes are a constant presence in life.

I can help you to develop personal tools to manage your challenges & changes healthily and effectively.


Future Gratitude

You, I, we – can choose each day to be connected to ourselves, to the world around us and to each other.

In noticing acts of kindness, love, growth and beauty – we can remind ourselves of the many blessings, opportunities and choices we are offered every day.

And with each noticing we have the choice to add more joy, love, growth, success & gratefulness to our days.

We also have the choice to connect & reach out even whilst we hurt, worry, heal, learn and grow.

Time invested in self development will create clear visions of the work, life and love balance you want in your future life.


Empower yourself with gratitude

Developing, expressing, feeling and sharing gratitude, helps you to focus on your now instead of your past.

It also shifts your perspective to what you have, instead of what you feel you are lacking.


Today, you can thank yourself for giving time, energy and focus to shaping your life.



Let’s coach

What will you be grateful for next?